The Enliven Churches Project identified the most flourishing churches in Australia according to their 2016 NCLS results. The leaders were interviewed in 2019 to discover how these churches became and remained vital.
Since that time, church and community life has been disrupted by COVID-19 social isolation precautions. So we asked them to give us some of their reflections on how the COVID-19 restrictions have impacted on their church life and leadership, as well as any encouragement they might give to other leaders.
North Brisbane Salvation Army – COVID reflections

EV Church Erina– COVID reflections

The church leaders were asked:
1. How have the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions impacted your church’s health and vitality?
2. How has your leadership team responded, reshaped or reacted to the ‘new normal’ churches now find themselves in?
3. What encouragement, wisdom or learning would you pass on to other church leaders in these unprecedented times?