A visual representation of the approaches and strategies used by flourishing churches, on how they enliven their ministry and church life.
Browse the photos for inspiration and ideas, to help your church learn from these case study churches, identified as part of the Enliven Churches Project.
Trust and appreciation in leadership culture
Leadership is taken not given- gifting, passion and motivation already in people
LITE Leadership Program- developing young people as leaders
Leadership culture hive mentality
Mosaic – celebration and inclusion of cultural diversity
A plan to create vision and a strategy to achieve it
Living out values and vision leading to growth
Community dinners, partnerships and grants
Starting a Saturday night service- preparing, resourcing and sustaining a new venture
Standing on the shoulders of a history of prayerful leaders
Hospitality and welcome in a multicultural community
Worship as a creative space for different learning styles
Building connections in a multicultural community
Relational leadership and developing new leaders
Re-launching church for the post-churched
Maintaining focus on sharing faith, keeping connected with neighbourhood
Building a broad leadership base with bi-vocational pastors
Facilities that intentionally include and welcome
Creative streams for childrens ministry
Build with the strong- intentional mentoring
Dinner parties to reach out, include and build relationships
Empowering leadership and scalable models for growth
Innovating as culture is evolving
Unlocking people’s purpose
Architecture, space and third place community
The South Sydney Herald newspaper initiative
Navigating change, building momentum and ownership
Empowering and nurturing leadership
Auditing activities to ensure a sustainable focus on spiritual growth
A model of membership and adherents in a community of faith
Worship space and facilities that facilitate growth in faith and inclusion
Fostering young leaders and passing on leadership to youth
Facilities to serve the community, offer welcome and hospitality
Monday night dinner involving church and community
Church health as an ecosystem
Worldview preaching with an eye for the outsider
Strengths, involvement and an appreciative approach
Being a large church but also intimate
Purpose built facilities- tangibilising the intangibles
Onboard- pathways for belonging and involvement
Being informed, skilled and joyful as a leader
A picnic to promote belonging
Helping people transition to a new priest and move forward together
Collaborative leadership and trust
Childrens Mass- young mass attenders leading worship
Closing a successful service to focus resources
Sisterhood Rising – Nurturing women in leadership
An electronic sign as a source of funding